During the last election period for the European Parliament, the participation of youth was disappointingly low. Only around 28% of young people went to the ballot boxes and made their voices heard through the casting of a vote.
The apathy of youth has made itself heard over and over in critical decisions that will shape the future of the European Union, if one takes the Brexit referendum about 43% of young voters 18-24 went to vote, following the trend of young people going to vote less and less. We all believe that the European Union can be changed for the better and we all believe in its positive role in our futures.
We believe that the youth has to make its voice heard. There are so many issues and so many problems which affect us young people on a daily basis that we cannot just stand by without giving our input. Only the youth can talk for itself and this is why we present you these recommendations for the betterment of the European Union.
Leonardo Manganelli
Content Manager of Y Vote
Our Agenda for Europe
Recommendations on Employment & Entrepreneurship
- We strongly encourage the EU to increase the visibility and accessibility of EU programmes and application processes by implementing a common platform.
- We strongly encourage the EU to launch and establish a programme and to provide it with economic support so that entrepreneurs might be provided with strategic, legal and financial advice by the experts.
- We strongly encourage the EU to provide language and soft skill certificates for the youth participating in EU programmes in order to improve transnational recognition of their skills.
- We strongly encourage the EU to ban unpaid non compulsory internship, to make them accessible for all young people, regardless of their social, economic and educational background.
Recommendations on Creativity & Culture
- We suggest that the EU support the cooperation between media entities of different European countries in order to foster cultural diversity and transnational cooperation.
- We strongly encourage the EU to create a platform to connect emerging and established professionals within the cultural industry, in order to provide mentoring and create common projects.
- We strongly encourage the EU to educate its citizens on cultural diversity implemented in formal and non-formal education.
Recommendations on Education & Training
- We strongly encourage the European Union to increase funding for projects aimed at increasing media literacy and to support educational institutions, civil society organisations and other relevant parties to take part in educational projects on this issue.
- We strongly recommend to increase funding and promotion of relevant programmes that enable pupils of all age groups, educational and economic backgrounds as well as teachers to participate in short and long term exchanges between schools, of members and partner countries of the EU.
- We strongly encourage the European Union to enable training opportunities for teachers on emotional intelligence and soft skills, in order to pass down these competences to the pupils.
- We suggest that the European Union promote the conversion of Conventional education resources into interactive digital tools, and raise awareness about existing educational materials, on civic education and the other key competences, for formal and non-formal education.
Recommendations on Participation in Civil Society
- We recommend that the European Union inform citizens about the importance of independent media, avoiding hate speech and recognising fake news by providing non-formal education and awareness raising campaigns.
- We encourage the EU to coordinate and fund a platform that provides space for discussion among diverse social groups, promoting European values and strengthening social cohesion.
- We recommend that the EU support NGOs and EU institutions to share best practices, create exchanges and projects that set a positive standard, with non-EU countries that play a major role in environmental issues.
Recommendations on Social Inclusion
- We encourage the EU to implement funded programs between NGOs and schools to promote education on gender equality and raise awareness.
- We recommend the EU to expand the projects that encourage voluntary work for school students, providing them with necessary tools and supervisors in order to promote active citizenship.
- We strongly encourage the EU to improve accessibility to public institutions for everyone according to the European Convention of Human Rights.
- We encourage the EU to establish a common electoral system for European Parliament elections based on a proportional vote or directly elected candidates, in order to promote democracy and representation.
Recommendations on Youth & the World
- We recommend the EU to create a standardized recognition process to improve well-being of asylum seekers and refugees in the European Union.
- We recommend the EU to further support humanitarian aid projects in non-EU countries by increasing funding of locally organized initiatives and fostering volunteering practices.
- We recommend the EU to increase funds for certification schemes ensuring adequate working conditions regarding the production of imported goods.
- We recommend the EU to improve the effectiveness in which the rule of law is protected and implemented inside the EU borders.
Recommendations on Health & Well-Being
- We strongly encourage the EU to support the related stakeholders on the topic of mental health as a part of both formal and non-formal education through monetary and consultative means.
- We strongly encourage the EU to advocate for the integration of mental health support in every national health system.
- We strongly encourage the EU to support projects concerning sexual health education, consent, gender equality, LGBTQI+ and patient rights; to provide contraception and anonymous STD-testing, and offer platforms for victims of violence and harassment.
- We strongly encourage the EU to promote greener infrastructure and to increase the accessibility and availability of public spaces, sport facilities and transportation.
We want to thank all 178 people involved in the creation:
Aarón Júlvez Manero, Agnieszka Kantor, Alberto Corsini, Alberto Martín de Arriba, Alberto Perea Pérez, Aldona Zaremba, Alejandro Nievas Garcia, Alejandro Rodríguez Muñoz, Aleksandra Naydenova, Alessandro Pilia, Alessandro Pratesi, Alessandro Visconti, Alex-Adrian Dărăban, Alexandra Papp, Alexandra Pilečková, Alhassan Akondor, Ali Daim Abbas Shah, Alina-Denisa Begeaca, Altea Sulollari, Amira Khalil, Anastasiya Yuryeva, Anastazija Terze, Andrei Rodionov, Andreya Teodosieva, Angelo Vitale, Anna Bagladi, Anne Sophie Puers, Balsa Vujosevic, Barbara Fidelus, Bekir Chelik, Benjamin Battke, Borbély Eliza, Branimir Radović, Carlota Oliveira, Carmela Basanisi, Chris van Dijk, Cintia Burgony, Collin Wagenmakers, Csongrádi Péter, Daniel Cervera Martín, Daniel Maita, Daniel Tuechki, Daniela Lascu, Daniela Pili, Daphne Jumilla, Dario Duvnjak, Davide Martinez Rivero, Daya Morales, Diego Frizziero, Dina Gugeshashvili, Dominik Fülöp, Dominika Rostkowska, Dora Besenyei, Ece Mısırlı, Edina Knabe, Elena Arsin, Elena Brendecke, Elena Mrdja, Eline van Oostrum, Elisa Giunti, Emma Schoep, Eryka Palusińska, Eva Rijn, Evita Ločmele, Fabio Calandruccio Espino, Fani Kragiopoulou, Farid Mönkemöller, Françeska Çollaku, Franz-Josef Möller, Gašper Grad, Gergely Molnár, Gianluca Rossino, Gisela Lydia Tatsi, Giulia Tempesta, Glory Pierrette, Grützner Fabian, Hans Markus Kalmer, Hasan Khalid, Henrike Werner, Irina Baciu, Jacqueline Marzinzik, Jan Postek, Jasmin Kaiser, Javad Khalilli, Javier Godoy, Jessica Bonehill, Johnny Eugen Diesendorf, Jonas Meyer-Below, Josef Mayr, Josep Brunet, Joshua Colcombe, Julia Mayer, Kamil Zyzik, Karlo Lončarević, Karolina Sadowska, Katarína Sámelová, Kiki Kuiper, Klára Klingová, Konstantin Merkulov, Laur Mihai Amanolesei, Leonie Horn, Liis tammekand, Lilla Nemes, Linda Allas, Lisa Zacharias, Lorena Sopena, Lovro Klinar, Lovro Žada, Lukas Herzog, Lukas Kaczmarski, Maaike Heijdenrijk, Magdalena Wasilewska, Marcello Meyer, Marcos Toledo Cómez, Mareike Walkling, Maria Giovanna Sciascia, Maria Ivanova, Mariam Tsagurishvili, Marilena Höffmann, Marilena Mitre, Mario Villamor Nodal, Marleen Talve, Marta Begović, Martin Stanzel, Maruša Močnik, Mateusz Gierczak, Mauro Bellani, Maxim Shtarnov, Mignon van Vorselen, Mikołaj Indyk, Milica Živić, Miria Simeonova, Miriam Maier, Mirna Matošević, Mitko Tatarov, Moa Ryberg, Najoua Belayane, Natasha Richner, Nazlı Ece Baltepe, Nensi Marinović, Niek Lange, Nino Natroshvili, Néstor Tejedor Tirados, Ola Miklasińska, Pedro Melo, Rados Musovic, Rebeca Alvarez, Roberto Meneghetti, Rok Guček, Réka Salamon, Sabela Virgós Abelleira, Samanta Glorya Pahole, Sandra Maksimovic, Sara Akural, Shayegh Adeli, Silvia Herrera Ojeda, Siret Siim, Sofiya Haurylenka, Stefka Bodurova, Stephan Dieng, Susan El-Gendy, Teodora Popa, Thomas Gora, Tilbe Gürsoy, Tim Milanez, Tomislav Popović, Tristan Tummers, Uerda Muça, Una Vukotic, Urszula Chmielarczyk, Valeria Santaterra, Verena Saccani, Violeta Vasile, Wouter Boerjan, Yasine Ajlane, Yury Lis & Zarifa Behbudzada.
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