Published on March 15th, 2019

“United in diversity” is the motto of the EU. It еmbodies the importance of the different cultures and people within the Union. And social inclusion has always been a core value for the European identity.

Social inclusion is a broad issue that collocates various topics on the continent like gender equality, acceptance of the LGBTQI+ community, accessibility to disabled people. Unfortunately, a significant group of young people in Europe is part of the NEETs (young people not in employment, education or training) group. The youth in Europe needs to be better included in society regardless of their social, economic or political background.

Therefore we, the participants of the Y Vote Convention on Social Inclusion, propose the following recommendations:

Inclusive education throughout volunteering
We recommend the EU to create a program for adding voluntary work to school curricula and providing necessary tools in order to train supervisors of voluntary work for the young people at the end of the high school to encourage active citizenship and youth development.

Socially inclusive dialogue
We encourage the EU to coordinate and fund an agency providing a dialogue between diverse social groups on a local level promoting and improving European values throughout providing a platform for all people to speak their minds and strengthen social cohesion.

Mental health support for inclusiveness of all young people
We would recommend implementing mandatory weekly meetings for school students held by trained school specialist about mental hygiene. The workshops include topics about stress, building self-confidence, time managing, being productive and focused, emotional intelligence etc.

Social recycling
We encourage the EU to establish regulations for a standardized recycling system.
Investment in new recycling centers built in less developed regions will cut down local unemployment and increase the recovery process of recyclable waste.

Better EU for better Social inclusion
We would encourage the European Union to establish a common electoral system for all of the member states of the European Union, based on a proportional vote and a directly elected candidate, in order to promote democracy and representation.

Drafted by
Agnieszka Kantor, Aldona Zaremba, Anna Bagladi, Balsa Vujosevic, Barbara Fidelus, Daniel Tuechki, Daniela Pili, Dominik Fülöp, Evita Ločmele, Karolina Sadowska, Lorena Sopena, Marcello Meyer, Maria Ivanova, Martin Stanzel, Mikołaj Indyk, Miria Simeonova, Niek Lange, Roberto Meneghetti, Samanta Glorya Pahole, Tristan Tummers, Urszula Chmielarczyk, Wouter Boerjan

See the whole result booklet!