When to Vote
9 June 2024
Mark your calendars!
Anyone aged 18 or over on the election day can vote if they have residency in Sweden and hold either Swedish citizenship or the citizenship of another EU country.

Do I have an obligation to Vote?
No, there is no legal obligation. However, you know what we say…use your vote anyway!
Where can I vote?

If you are a Swedish citizen voting in Sweden
If you live in Sweden, the government actually reminds you to vote! They will send you a voting card by mail, stating your eligibility to vote and the location of your polling station. And guess what?! You can use this voting card to vote up to three weeks in advance! Just bring the card and your ID to vote at your own or a different municipality. You can find more details here.
If you are a Sweden citizen voting from another EU country
Do you live abroad? To vote, you can either vote by mail or in a vote in a Swedish embassy or consulate.
If you want to vote by mail, you can only get your postal voting documents after 25 April 2024. Your ballot must arrive in time for the national counting of the votes though, so make sure to send it in time!
If you want to vote in a Swedish embassy or consulate, you can do so between 16 May and 8 June 2024. You actually can’t vote on Election Day!
If you are an Sweden citizen voting from a country outside the EU
The same rules of registration apply when voting outside the European Union.
If you are EU citizen voting in Sweden
As a legal resident in Sweden, you can of course vote there! Make sure to register by handing in your registration form in the municipality where you have your official residence, to be on the voting list. If you were successful, you will receive your voting card by mail, stating your eligibility to vote and the location of your polling station. Learn more here.
Deadline to register: you have to register by 10 March 2024 (30 days prior to the Election Day).

Voting & accessibility
Do you have a disability or an illness? Polling stations are required to be accessible for people with a disability. If you still cannot go to the polling station for advance voting or on Election Day, there are forms of assistance available:
- you can order special materials for voting by proxy
- the person you choose to vote for you by proxy must be at least 18 years old and can be a relative, a carer or (if you're living in a rural area) even a postal worker!
- your municipality can arrange for your vote to be picked up at your home

fun facts
- Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995.
- Sweden will have 21 members of the European Parliament, the same as in the previous elections in 2019.
- There is only one national constituency and everyone votes for the same list across the country.
- Sweden uses preferential voting, giving voters the option to indicate their preference on a party list.
- The threshold for the European elections is at least 4% of the votes.