Following an online consultation, we wrote a policy paper on increasing youth political participation, with a focus on the 2024 European Elections and the role of youth-led campaigns such as ours.
With almost one week left until the hashtag#2024EuropeanElections, do you know how you will use your vote? European University Institute launched EU&I – an online tool to help you make an informed choice when voting next week. Learn more!
During the weekend of 11th to 14th of April, we took our project to Brussels and took part in two amazing events! We started with a kick-off event of the European Youth Week, organised by the European Commission, and then the LevelUp! event by the European Youth Forum. Check out this article to learn more about our participation in these events!
Polish elections. The crucial votes of young people, women, and a new Polish record of nearly 75% turnout. What does it mean for Poland and the EU? What do we know about the newly forming government? Check out our new article to be informed!
In October 2023, our colleague Andreas, the External Relations Manager of Y Vote, took part in the “All Together for European Elections 2024” event that was organized by the European Parliament in Brussels. Check the article for more insight into the event!
Almost 47 months since we last published our Results Booklet on our website, we are happy to announce that the Y Vote Project is coming back in 2024! Curious about this new edition? Keep reading!
Two years, more than 140 Skype sessions, seven Conventions and a Final Conference. Workshops in 20 Countries and an app ahead of its time. Time to recap and close our Slack channel for good.
On this page, you find our Results Booklet. Filled with information, facts and background stories, which we hope will give you an insight into what happened during our Campaign.
Until the elections in May, the web version of our application How to Vote reached over 23.300 people, with a peak of 1.427 users on a single day (20th May). The immense amount of work that has been dedicated to the creation of our informational platform has paid off. Through our work on the topic, the Y Vote team would like to advocate for its ideas and demands with decision-makers. In order to facilitate voting procedures and therefore engage people in the democratic process we found three steps that should be taken.
During the last election period for the European Parliament, the participation of youth was disappointingly low. Only around 28% of young people went to the ballot boxes and made their voices heard through the casting of a vote.
It seems like just yesterday, we finished our series of Conventions with our Final Conference. We have had eight events since November 2018, and it’s time to wrap-up and reflect.